Personal Essays
“Chin Up, Extroverts! We Will Crowd Again.” The New York Times. 3/20.
“Love and Other Artificial Intelligences.” Gay Magazine. 1/20.
“Sophia Hanson Wants to Believe.” The Rumpus. 3/19.
“On the Front Porch Steps with a Cigarette.” Entropy. 1/19.
“My Day in Dollywood.” Us of America. 12/17.
“One Bedroom, One Bathroom, and One Big Dalmatian.” Ravishly. 10/17.
“I Went Out with My High School Crush as an Adult—And It was a Disaster.” Elite Daily. 7/17.
“Love and Other Artificial Intelligences.” Gay Magazine. 1/20.
“Sophia Hanson Wants to Believe.” The Rumpus. 3/19.
“On the Front Porch Steps with a Cigarette.” Entropy. 1/19.
“My Day in Dollywood.” Us of America. 12/17.
“One Bedroom, One Bathroom, and One Big Dalmatian.” Ravishly. 10/17.
“I Went Out with My High School Crush as an Adult—And It was a Disaster.” Elite Daily. 7/17.
“Parents, Please Stop Bringing Your Kids to the Dog Park.” Dogs Today Magazine. 7/17.
“I Used to Idolize Johnny Depp—Now, My Heart is Breaking.” Ravishly. 6/17.
“How I Caught a Dad on Pokémon Go.” Ravishly. 6/17. (Reprinted 7/17 on The Good Men Project.)
“The Cost of Driving Cross-Country.” The Billfold. 6/17.
“How to Be.” Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly. 10/15.
“How to Be.” Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly. 10/15.
“The Sightless Witness.” Candid Nonfiction Magazine. 4/15.
Craft/Critical Essays
“How Fandom Made the Good Omens Miniseries Better (and Gayer) than the Book.” Syfy Wire. 11/19.
“Getting to the Heart of SFF's Most Tear-Inducing Moments: The 'Riders of Rohan' Phenomenon.” Tor. 10/19.
“Ditch the Quotes: Teach Your Students to Italicize Dialogue.” AWP: The Writer's Notebook. 3/19.
“Reading Feminist Futurism in the Age of the 'Female' Virtual Assistant.” Lit Hub. 1/19.
“On Obsession.” Black Warrior Review. 4/18.
“Enchanted Prose: Lyrical Language as Strength in the Mythic Novel.” Ploughshares. 1/18.
“The Shattered Novel: Rules of Fragmented Fiction.” Grist: The Writing Life. 10/17.